Minggu, 01 Maret 2015
New Section: How Did We Got Here?
Hallo sobat blogger semua !, pastinya dalam kondisi yang sehat wal'afiat bukan sobat semua ? Amiin. Kita akan mencoba mengangkat bahasan tentang New Section: How Did We Got Here?."
I�ve decided to do smaller releases, and not wait for full chapters. I�m going to send out emails once a month with the accumulating changes, but releases would be more frequent.
As to this one, this is a brief history about how developer testing came to be what it is today. That means most developers don�t do it, and those who do are reading the book .
I�ve put the section under the Economics chapter, because the state of testing today is driven mostly by money, less from technical experience.
Enjoy and give me feedback!
"Source : http://www.everydayunittesting.com/2014/08/new-section-how-did-we-got-here.html
asalnya sembilu dari buluh
Jika dianyam jadikan tampian
Kami menyusun jarinya sepuluh
Salah dan silaf mohonlah dimaafkan
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